Top IT Recruitment Agencies

of Europe in One Place

Struggling to find a trusted recruitment agency that best supports your hiring?

Looking for verified IT talent acquisition outsourcing?

This catalogue does the job for you! 

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Key Features

The European tech recruitment market is a very dynamic and competitive field. It features long-term players with proven track records, small-scale companies focused on specific domains, and freelancers doing odd jobs. All of them provide services to cover specific business needs, and it is critical to find the one that fits your needs and requirements and provides high-quality, cost-effective results. That’s why we have created this online catalogue: a research tool for solving your recruitment needs.

Active Companies Only

Our databases only feature companies currently active in the European markets.

Proven Track Record

The listing includes companies with a legitimate and credible track record only. Our teams manually contact each company and verify its credibility in the field according to relevant criteria.

Easy Agency Search

The databases feature an easy-to-follow criteria-based interface that allows you to find exactly the kind of company you are looking for – including country of origin, countries of operation, domains, company size, etc.

Knowledge Base

Our knowledge base features all the critical information regarding European recruitment agencies you might need – relevant contacts, client testimonials, country of origin, domains of operations, etc. We keep the information up-to-date with regular reviews.

About us

Talando is a British recruitment agency of Ukrainian origin founded in 2023. We operate in the tech industry and help companies find top talent.

Recruitment Entrepreneurs’ website is a European Union recruitment agencies database that aims to organize the breadth of information so that there would be a definitive listing of active companies with legitimate track records in one place.

Choosing the right partner for recruitment services in the European Union is challenging. The current economic situation requires precise decision-making. It takes considerable time and research to find all the pros and cons and choose the best option.

However, if you type a “recruitment agency” search query, you can get a million results, and it is hard to figure out which agencies are currently functioning and which are not.

We have created this website to support you in these challenges. We aim to help you find the right partner to handle your recruitment needs. With its help, you can quickly find all the necessary information and easily make the best decision for your business.

Vlada Liashchenko
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